Wood Species: Maple, Brazilian
Scientific Name: Balfourodendron riedelianum
Trade Name: Brazilian Maple
Family Name: Rutaceae
Common Names: Marfim, Pau liso, Guatambu, Guatambu blanco
Regions of Distribution: South America
Countries of Distribution: Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina
Color: Pale cream to yellow cream; no contrast between sapwood and heartwood
Grain: Straight, fine, uniform
Variations within species and grades: Lower grades may have darker tans or brown colors
Hardness/Janka: 1500 (16% harder than Northern red oak)
Dimensional stability: Average (8.8; 2% less stable than Northern red oak). Very sensitive to moisture fluctuations.
Origin: South America
Availability: Moderately Available
Average and maximum lifespan: Data not available
Sawing/Machining: Works cleanly; requires a wide set for ripping; very hard on router bits
Sanding: Sands satisfactorily if correct sanding sequence is followed.
Nailing: No known problems
Finishing: Takes finish well. May be difficult to stain.
Common Uses: Agricultural implements, Axles, Bent Parts, Boat building (general), Boat building, Bobbins, Cabinetmaking, Canoes, Carvings, Chairs, Chests, Concealed parts (Furniture), Cooperages, Decorative plywood, Decorative veneer, Desks, Dining-room furniture, Domestic flooring, Dowell pins, Dowells, Drawer sides, Excelsior, Figured veneer, Fine furniture, Floor lamps, Flooring, Furniture , Furniture components, Furniture squares or stock, Furniture, Handles, Hatracks, Heavy construction, Interior construction, Interior trim, Joinery, Kitchen cabinets, Lifeboats, Light construction, Living-room suites, Marquetry, Mathematical instruments, Moldings, Musical instruments, Oars, Office furniture, Paneling , Parquet flooring, Plywood corestock, Plywood, Radio - stereo - TV cabinets, Rustic furniture, Sporting Goods, Textile equipment, Tool handles, Turnery
Detailed Description
Plant habit and lifestyle: Plant is hesperidium, 12-40 m in height
Stems: Bole/stem form is straight
Buds: Ovoid, brown, only slightly resinous
Leaves: Palmately or pinnately compound , or sometimes heathlike or reduced to spines; stipules are absent.
Flowers: Sweet-scented, nearly always bisexual , and are actinomorphic or sometimes zygomorphic. The caylx consists of 3-5 distinct or basally connate and the corolla consists of 3-5 distinct or sometimes connate petals sepals or rarely the petals are lacking. The androecium consists of distinct or sometimes connate stamens that are commonly obdiplostemonous that is in two whorls with the outer whorl opposite the petals. However, sometimes there may be (1)3-4 whorls or rarely up to 60 stamens. The gynoecium consists of a single compound pistil of commonly 2-5 or more, often incompletely connate carpels that may be united only basally or apically, either one or an equal number of styles, and a superior ovary with usually 2-5 or more locules, each bearing 1-several axile ovules. Generally, an intrastaminal nectary disk is situated between the stamens and the ovary.
Fruits: Hesperidium, with light five segmented wings.
Habitat: Lowland forest along the banks of the Parana and Uruguay rivers. It also extends into cerrado and secondary forests.