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Bona Bonaseal – Features
Amberseal – Features
Basic 1 – Features

BASIC 1 - Description:

BASIC 1® provides the cost and ease of an oil-modified urethane with the benefits of a water-based urethane. Competitively priced, BASIC 1® is the dependable, economical option in quality wood floor finishes.

BASIC 1 - Recommended Uses:

-Designed for residential uses
-Designed to protect wood flooring from: natural deterioration, fungal growth, and wear

BASIC 1 – Application:

-Requires minimal use preparation prior to use
-Clean floor following instructions labelled on Basic Squeaky Cleaner
-Sand floors using NOFMA/MFMA procedures, using new 120-grit screen for final pass
-Vacuum sanded surface then tack with clean, dry towels until dust has been removed
-System requires 3-4 coats to finish fully sanded, bare wood floor
-System requires 2 coats to refinish a floor previously protected with BASIC 1 coating
-Designed for time-effectiveness and requires only 30 minutes to level between coats (depending upon conditions)
-Requires 2 hours to dry between coats (depending upon conditions)
-Requires 1 hour of ventilation prior to closing job site and needs air moving over floor for several hours
-Finished floor can withstand light traffic
-Furniture can be replaced after 24 hours of drying
-Rugs should not be laid for at least 2 weeks
-BASIC 1 finished floor will reach full cure after 7 days
-Easy to clean as maintenance requires only soap and water
-Applies a clear, non-amber finish and releases minimal odor

BASIC 1 - Tech Specs:

-Color: Clear
-Coverage: 500-650 square feet per gallon
-Dry Time: 2-3 hours
-Shelf Life: 1 year
-Light Traffic: 24 hours
-Full Cure: 7 days
-Recoat Window: 2-24 hours
-Avoid Rugs: 2 weeks
-Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): Less than 350 grams per liter